15MarBlue RMS

Rectification works were completed by Blue RMS to a very unsatisfactory standard.

The issues with their work is as follows:

  • Poor plaster work.
  • Poor paintwork.
  • Faulty Electrical work.
  • Timber Laminate Flooring in Dining Room and Living Room was not installed correctly which led to buckling of the flooring.
  • Ceiling plaster in bathroom was double-skinned (New sheets of plaster were placed over old sheets that had mould).
  • Painted directly over water-stain on ceiling in bedroom 3.
  • Flooring was not removed or repaired in Kitchen, Laundry & Bathroom.
  • Cabinetry in Kitchen, Bathroom and Bedroom 3 was not repaired even though it was swelling after the flood event.

See images in next event.


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